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HP608P The portable Eggshell Strength Tester

更新時(shí)間:2024-06-17      點(diǎn)擊次數:54

The portable Eggshell Strength Tester is an important indicator for measuring the quality of eggshells in poultry such as chickens, geese, and ducks. The strength of egg shells is closely related to the hatching rate, hatching rate, quality of chicks, and fresh egg production of commercial laying hens. Eggs with solid shells are rarely damaged and can preserve their nutritional value for a long time and in good condition, making them highly marketable. The decline in eggshell quality has caused significant economic losses to many chicken farms

When severe. The strength of eggshells is closely related to the breed, genetics, and diet of breeding chickens. It is particularly important to correctly grasp the relevant indicators of eggshell strength. The eggshell strength tester is easy to operate, fast to measure, and provides direct data for egg quality analysis and livestock breeding. It is a choice for testing egg quality indicators in large chicken farms, food processing plants, and research institutes.


Principle of eggshell strength tester:

Fix the egg vertically between the upper and lower measuring surfaces, move the measuring surface relative to each other at a certain speed, and crush the egg. The force exerted during the egg crushing process is measured by sensors and recorded and displayed.

Product features of eggshell strength tester:

1. Using chip control, precision force sensors with high accuracy.

2. Using high-performance motors and precision ball screw drive to ensure the transmission of the instrument.

3. Large touch screen Chinese display, user-friendly human-machine interface operation. Fully automated testing. Easy to operate, with testing data statistics and processing function, and output from a micro printer.

4. Randomly equipped with a vertical eggshell fixing device for convenient and fast measurement.

5. Portable, lightweight, small in size, with a handle, can be used on-site at any time

Technical parameters of eggshell strength tester:

Measurement range: (0-200) N

Resolution: 0.1N

Accuracy of indication:<± 1%,

Test speed: (0.5-20) mm/s, can be any

External dimensions: approximately 400mm x 320mm x 450mm電壓:110~240V 50Hz






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