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當前位置:首頁(yè)  >  技術(shù)文章  >  歐標口罩彩屏呼吸阻力測試儀助力全球抗疫


更新時(shí)間:2021-07-30      點(diǎn)擊次數:794



   全球疫情不斷變化,病毒不斷變異給抗疫工作帶來(lái)新的難度,滿(mǎn)足標準的口罩仍是阻擋病毒的重要屏障,劣質(zhì)量的口罩會(huì )給使用者帶來(lái)不可挽回的后果,口罩呼吸阻力的質(zhì)量測試就是重要一環(huán)。

濟南恒品推出的滿(mǎn)足BS EN149歐標的HP-KHZ-E呼吸阻力測試儀就是用于測定呼吸器和口罩類(lèi)防護用品在規定條件下的吸氣阻力和呼氣阻力。


HP-KHZ-E歐標呼吸阻力測試儀適用于出口產(chǎn)品檢測,滿(mǎn)足歐標標準BS EN149歐標,同樣也滿(mǎn)足勞動(dòng)防護用品檢驗機構、口罩生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家對普通口罩、防塵口罩、醫用口罩、防霧霾口罩產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行的相關(guān)檢測和檢驗GB/T 32610-2016、GB 2626)。

HP-KHZ-E呼吸阻力測試儀主要技術(shù)參數:呼氣 0~220L/min  可調節(歐標使用160L/min);吸氣  0-120 L/min可調節(歐標使用,30L/min,95 L/min)。



The breath resistance tester of color screen of European mask helps to help the world fight against epidemic


The global epidemic situation is changing constantly, and the constant variation of virus brings new difficulties to the work of anti epidemic. The masks meeting the standards are still the important barrier to prevent the virus. The bad quality masks will bring irreparable consequences to users. The quality test of respirator respiratory resistance is an important part.


The hp-khz-e respiratory resistance tester, which meets the BS en149 European standard, is introduced by Jinan Hengpin to measure the suction resistance and expiratory resistance of respirator and respirator protective equipment under the specified conditions.


Hp-khz-e European standard breath resistance tester product characteristics: standard head mold, five directions can be rotated to test, simulate the real human body inspiratory breath, meet the European standard; Touch screen control, menu operation, easy operation; It can meet European standard and national standard, and the Chinese and English operation menu can be switched; The unit can be selected, PA and mbar switch freely; The micro manometer sensor has high precision and good stability; The explosion-proof design is safe and reliable; The special air circuit conversion element is adopted to ensure the convenience and fast conversion of two sets of pipeline systems, namely exhalation and suction; It has a micro printer, which is convenient for printing test results on site quickly; The instrument consists of air source which can adjust flow, body head mold specified in the standard, two sets of pipeline system of suction and exhalation, and a respiratory resistance measurement system; Two modes of breath detection and inspiratory detection can be set.


Hp-khz-e European standard breath resistance tester is suitable for export product testing, which meets the European Standard BS en149 European standard, and also meets the related inspection and inspection of common masks, dust masks, medical masks and haze mask products by domestic labor protection equipment inspection institutions and mask manufacturers (gb/t 32610-2016, GB 2626).


Main technical parameters of hp-khz-e respiratory resistance tester: the breath is adjustable from 0 to 220l/min (160l/min is used in European standard); The inhalation can be adjusted from 0-120 l/min (European standard, 30l/min, 95 l/min).


Color touch screen [operation interface]








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